Model name: Yucatan

Author: Arreguín-Sánchez, F.
Country: MexicoModelled area (km2): 100000
Ecosystem type: continental shelfModelled period: 1987-1988
Ecosim used: FalseEcospace used: False
Number of Ecopath groups: 21Number of fleets: 1
Has Taxonomy: FalseHas Pedigree: False
Is Fitted: FalseComments:
Arreguı́n-Sánchez F.,Seijo J.C.,Valero-Pacheco E.(1993). An application of ECOPATH II to the North Continental Shelf Ecosystem of Yucatan, Mexico . pp 269-278. In Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.