Model name: Malangen Fjord

Author: Daniel Vilas
Country: NorwayModelled area (km2): 50
Ecosystem type: Bay/fjordModelled period: 2017-2018
Ecosim used: TrueEcospace used: False
Number of Ecopath groups: 36Number of fleets: 2
Has Taxonomy: TrueHas Pedigree: True
Is Fitted: FalseComments: Assissing the impact of kelp detritus
Daniel Vilas, Marta Coll, Torstein Pedersen, Xavier Corrales, Karen Filbee-Dexter, Morten Foldager Pedersen, Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Stein Fredriksen, Thomas Wernberg, Eva Ramírez-Llodra, Kelp-carbon uptake by Arctic deep-sea food webs plays a noticeable role in maintaining ecosystem structural and functional traits