EcoTroph Package will be update as soon as possible when we will have some new functionalities available.
However actual version of the package has a bug in the read.ecopath.model, due to new column's name used in the EwE (6.5) export function.
You have to use this new function instead of actual provided by the CRAN.
Just Copy new function and paste it in your script to replace actual deprecated one.
Jerome Guitton
You have to use this new function instead of actual provided by the CRAN.
read.ecopath.model<-function (filename) { if (missing(filename)) { cat("filname is missing\n") } else { top <- xmlRoot(xmlTreeParse(filename, useInternalNodes = TRUE)) xmlName(top) names(top) groupname <- as.vector(xmlSApply(top[["GroupName"]], xmlValue)) v <- xmlSApply(top, function(x) as.vector(xmlSApply(x, xmlValue))) catches_tmp <- xmlSApply(top[["Catches"]], function(x) as.numeric(xmlSApply(x, xmlValue))) catches_tmp2 <- data.frame(catches_tmp[1:v$NumFleet])[1:length(groupname), ] names(catches_tmp2) <- paste("catch", v$FleetName[-length(v$FleetName)]) ecopath <- data.frame(v$GroupName, as.numeric(v$TL), as.numeric(v$B), as.numeric(v$PROD), as.numeric(v$accessibility), as.numeric(v$OI)) names(ecopath) <- c("group_name", "TL", "biomass", "prod", "accessibility", "OI") if (is.null(dim(catches_tmp2))) { ecopath <- data.frame(ecopath,[1:length(rownames(ecopath))])) names(ecopath) <- c("group_name", "TL", "biomass", "prod", "accessibility", "OI", paste("catch.", v$fleetname[-length(v$fleetname)], sep = "")) } if (!is.null(dim(catches_tmp2))) { ecopath <- data.frame(ecopath,[1:length(rownames(ecopath)), ])) } return(ecopath[!(ecopath$group_name == ""), ]) } }----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Just Copy new function and paste it in your script to replace actual deprecated one.
Jerome Guitton