Atlas Halieutique

Nephrops-VII-FU 19


Source image :

Landing and effort

Landings / Discards Ices data

[ICES Stock Database, 2017/01. ICES, Copenhagen]

Trends in landings

By countries

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

By gears

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Proportion of landings in each rectangle

Landing 2004-2015

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Landing 2014

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Landings 2015

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Average Landings by gears

Years 2008-2015

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Years 2014

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Year 2015

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Average Landings by countries

Years 2008-2015

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Years 2014

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Year 2015

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]


Proportion of discards (D) and landings (L) by Age

All the time serie

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Year 2015

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Discards Landings by rectangle Based on landings

Years 2008-2015

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Year 2015

[STCEF FDI data (2015)]

Scientific advice on the Stock

Ratio F/Fmsy for the stock

[ICES Stock Database, 2017/01. ICES, Copenhagen]

Ratio of F/Fmsy and SSB/Bpa

[ICES Stock Database, 2017/01. ICES, Copenhagen]

More information

Citation :

Fiche Nephrops-VII-FU 19, Author(s) :

DiscardLess Atlas [on line]. 2017. Guitton J., Ulrich, C., Vermard Y., Afonso P., Andonegi E., Argyrou I., Calderwood J., Fauconnet L., Quetglas A., Morato T., Prellezo R., Robert M., Savina-Rolland M., Triantaphyllidis G., Vaz S.