Atlas Halieutique
Themes DiscardLess Case studies Description
Name of the indicator Where the catches take place
Definition Proportion of landing describe in each rectangle
Objectives Enable the overview of hot spot of catches in landing weight
Calculation description We used the landings description (aggregation of annexe detailled in section Introduction of the website) filtered on each case studies (ie for Easter Channel we use data where specon='NONE' and id_case=2 and country like 'FRA' and species in ('SOL','PLE','COD','WHE','BSS','HER','MAC','HOM','SCE','JAX','SQL','SQR','CTC','MUR') and reg_gear not like 'PEL%') With these selected data we aggragated available data by rectangle using the sum of landings by rectangle considering the last ten years ov available data (year>=2004).

Finaly, we calculate the proportion of the global catches of the Time series that where caucht in each rectangle (along the time serie selected and available)
Reading guide In each rectangle you have the value of catches in the rectangle divided by the total catches declared in the rectangles concerned by the case study.
Data sources Data used to produce figures comes from the STECF dissemination tool .

Details on data can be found in the Fisheries Dependent Information working group report and from the Mediterranean and Black sea report
Comments Please note that time series might be incomplete for some countries/indicators.
Query with tmp1 as ( select distinct rectangle as LIEU,sum(landings) as VAL from landing_rect_sd inner join cs_rectangles using(rectangle) where id_case=7 and year_d>=2004 group by LIEU order by LIEU desc ) ,total as (select sum(VAL) as tot from tmp1) select distinct LIEU,100*VAL/tot as VAL from tmp1,total

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