Atlas Halieutique
Themes Stock
Name of the indicator Proportion of catches (numbers) by age
Definition Catches are describe by proportion of landings (numbers) and discards (numbers) by age.
Objectives Main objective is to analyse the reason of the discards. If all the discards are too young fishes, there is a size-selectivity problem. If not the problem is due to the market or prefered target species.
Calculation description We filter the FDI data for the specific species and list of statistical rectangles defined for the stock. We get the number of landed and discarded fishes for 2015. We also get the total number of species landed and discarded. We divide the number of fhishes by age by the total number of fishes to calculate the proportion of fhishes of each age in the discards and in the landings.
Reading guide We get the proportion of the discards by age and the same time serie for the landings.
Data sources FDI landings
Query with part1 as (select distinct age_val as ABSCISSE,value_type as GROUPE,sum(value) as TOTAL from age_data inner join def_stocks_area using(species,reg_area) where fishstock like 'nep.fu.22' and year_d=2015 group by ABSCISSE,GROUPE) ,somme_par_groupe as ( select distinct GROUPE,sum(TOTAL) as TOT from part1 group by GROUPE ) select distinct ABSCISSE,GROUPE,100*TOTAL/TOT as TOTAL from part1 inner join somme_par_groupe using (GROUPE) order by ABSCISSE;

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