Atlas Halieutique
Themes Stock
Name of the indicator Spatial distribution of the origin of the landings
Definition Landings described by the origin of the catches
Objectives Main objective is to analyse spatial distribution of the stock through a proxy (spatial distribution of the catches)
Calculation description We filter the FDI data for the specific species and list of statistical rectangles defined for the stock. Then we sum the landing values obtained. Finaly we divide the landing by rectangle by the total landings weight declared for the stock.
Reading guide We get the proportion of the catches caught in each statistical rectangle for 2015
Data sources FDI landings
Query with tmp1 as ( select distinct rectangle as LIEU,sum(landings) as VAL from landing_rect_sd inner join def_stocks_area using (species,rectangle) where fishstock like 'whg.27.7b-ce-k' and year_d=2015 and annexe not like 'MED' group by LIEU order by LIEU desc ) ,total as (select sum(VAL) as tot from tmp1) select distinct LIEU,100*VAL/tot as VAL,VAL as VAL2 from tmp1,total

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