Atlas Halieutique
Themes Stock
Name of the indicator Catches by years
Definition Discards and landings by years
Objectives Main objective is to get an overview of catches for the stock
Calculation description Data are disseminate through a web service on Ices website. Each year we collect these data coming from the stock assessment database.
Reading guide For each year the value of catches is represented by the value of discards and the value of landings.
Data sources Data are provided by members state. ICES working group gather these data for the stock assessment process.
Query with part1 as ( select * from fishdata where fishstock like 'sol.27.8ab' and (fishstock,evaluationyear) in (select distinct fishstock,max(evaluationyear) from fishdata group by fishstock order by fishstock) and COALESCE(landings, 0 )+COALESCE(discards,0)>0 ) select distinct year as ABSCISSE,'Landings' as GROUPE,round(landings/1000,2) as TOTAL from part1 union select distinct year as ABSCISSE,'Discards' as GROUPE,round(discards/1000,2) as TOTAL from part1 order by ABSCISSE,GROUPE

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