Atlas Halieutique
Themes Stock
Name of the indicator Stock assessment models output
Definition Main columns obtained are the fishing mortality (meanf by years), the FMSY and the ratio beetween meanf and FMSY
Objectives The main objective is to analyse how far we are from the FMSY for the stock and the trends of the ration meanF/FMSY
Calculation description We get the data directly from ICES webservices.
Reading guide You can get the Fishing mortality by year (meanf) and what should be a sustainable fishing mortality (FMSY). Then the ration between both values is a proxy of how far we are from a sustainable fishery.

Year wg - Year of last working group
fishstock - the Ices code fro the stock
year - the time serie year value
f_etoile2 - ratio of meanf / FMSY
overfished - 1 if f_etoile2>1 then 1 else 0
maxyear - last year of the time serie
fmsy - Fishing mortality for a maximum sustainable yield
meanf - Annual Fishing mortality.
Data sources Ices stock assessment output
Query select f_etoile2_year.*,fmsy,meanf from f_etoile2_year LEFT join (limits inner join fishdata using(fishstock,evaluationyear)) using(fishstock,year) where (year_wg=evaluationyear or year_wg is null) and fishstock like 'nep.fu.22' order by year

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