Using discards and landings at age from the STECF data base, length at age and weight at age relation ships from ICES data base and official Minimum landing size (MLS) we try to infer the percentage of the Discards induced by the MLS. Catches below MLS should be landed but at very low value and deducted from fisherman's quotas when the Landing Obligation is in place. These figures can be confronted to the proportion of total discards coming from STECF database and brought to the discussion about Landing obligation.

Graph1 : Estimated length structure of the catches. Vertical blue line represents the MLS for that stock

Graph 2 : Estimated proportion of the catch being caught below/above the MLS (average over the last 3 years)

Graph3: Historical trends in estimated proportion of the catch being caught below/above the MLS (average over the last 3 years)

Graph 4 : Discard and landings proportions from STECF database (average over the last 3 years)

Graph 5 : Historical trends of landings/discards proportions from STECF database