Atlas Halieutique

Large bottom trawlers and Danish seiners

Main target catch

  • Roundfish
  • Flatfish
  • Nephrops


Fishing trip: 1-7 days
Average landings: 15-25 tons


  • Rapid bleeding of catch before gutting
  • Full on-board silaga preservation units from grading to storing in silos
  • Different colored tubs for UUC or species under MCRS not meant for silage
  • Cooling of catch in fixed-throughput tanks, ensuring adequate cooling


  • Higher quality raw materials
  • Whiter fillets
  • Less gaping in muscle layers
  • UUC and MCRS can be landed separately or used for silage
  • No discards
  • Full on-board silage preservational units

A figure showing the whole vessel as represented by 3D technical drawings.

The processing area, where fish is being sorted into temporary batch tubs (middle of bleeding/gutting station) while the main catch is carried through the bleeding and cooling conveyors at the right side of the figure. The viscera and offal as well as other smaller species are transferred to the silage preservation unit located at the upper left hand corner. There, acid is mixed with the graded fish before it is transferred to a storage unit on the lower deck.

A snapshot of the cargo hold, where the main catch along with other species are stored in a chilled environment. Ice machine located besides the batch tub in the reception manufactures ice to be placed on top of stored fish in boxes. This serves as a buffer when the boxes get transferred from the chilled storage of the vessel into processing on shore. The silage preservational unit can be seen at the foremost part of the ship‘s cargo hold, where pre-blended silage is stored until landing.

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Citation :

Factsheet Large bottom trawlers and Danish seiners, Author(s) : Birgir Sævarsson, Marvin Ingi Einarsson, Piotr Szymczak & Sigurður Örn Ragnarsson

Vioarsson, J. R., Ragnarsson, S. O., Einarsson, M. I., Saevarsson, B., Szymczak, P. (2017). DiscardLess WP5.4 Report on the 3D drawings and cost-benefit tools developed for Icelandic, North Sea and Bay of Biscay case studies.