Atlas Halieutique

Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC)

Valorisation Option Factsheet

Product description

Fish Protein Concentrates are prepared from fish by extracting out the oil and the bones, so that the resultant product is higher in protein and lower in ash content than fish meal and FPH. They can be classified into:

  • Fish protein concentrate (FPC) : protein 65-80 % and fat/oil 1-3 %.
  • Fish protein isolate (FPI): less than 1 % fat/oil and more than 90 % protein.

FPCs can fall into two categories:

  • FPC type A: odour-free and tasteless product with a fat content around 0.5-1 % and protein up to 80 %.
  • FPC type B: Typical oil content is around 3 % and protein content is smaller than in type A.

Product application

Main uses of the FPC are:

    As protein supplement in the food industry
  • Nutritional supplement
  • Animal feeding

FPC has primarily been used in specialized feeding applications with monogastric animals, such as in milk replacers or starter feeds. It is an excellent source of highly digestible amino acids, but its costs normally limit its usage. It can be used to replace other protein sources if available to a comparable price.

Raw materials

All species and several fractions can be used as raw materials for FPCs ( fish muscle, whole fish or fish by‐products).

Raw material should be stored in refrigerated conditions or frozen in containers. Gutting improves the quality and the storage life of many fish species. In order to control hystamine production, storage conditions and product characteristics must be carefully selected.


Process Yield

Technology maturity

Value of Product

Potential Market

Production cost

Competing Companies

Simplified process Scheme

Citation :

Factsheet Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC), Author(s) : Bruno Iñarra, Carlos Bald, Marta Cebrian

Bruno Iñarra, Carlos Bald, Marta Cebrian (2017). DiscardLess WP6.2 Evaluation of the different valorisation alternatives prioritized from the technical, market, regulatory and socio-economic perspective.