Atlas Halieutique


Valorisation Option Factsheet

Product description

Fish leather is the cured and tanned skins of fish. The diversity of fish leather available is enormous due to the use of different fish species and the variety of the finishes that can be applied. The texture of the leather is dependent on the size according to the species. Collagen forms the main component in fish skin, which make it strong and flexible.

Product application

Fish leather can be used to make a wide variety of items such as jewelry, accessories including phone or iPad cases, belts, wallets, bags and in shoes. It can also be used for a much larger variety of crafts. It is often used for bookbinding, fashion and upholstery.

Raw materials

Fish leather is produced from species like Carp, Salmon, Perch, Tilapia, Cod, Sea Bass, Eel or shark.

Fish leather is remarkably strong although there are big differences between species. While salmon and tilapia are somewhat more flexible and can stretch to a degree, carp and sea bass is far thicker and more rigid. Fish leather in general is often likened to being as strong as sheep skin.


Process Yield

Technology maturity

Value of Product

Potential Market

Production cost

Competing Companies

Simplified process Scheme

Citation :

Factsheet Leather, Author(s) : Bruno Iñarra, Carlos Bald, Marta Cebrian

Bruno Iñarra, Carlos Bald, Marta Cebrian (2017). DiscardLess WP6.2 Evaluation of the different valorisation alternatives prioritized from the technical, market, regulatory and socio-economic perspective.