Atlas Halieutique


Valorisation Option Factsheet

Product description

Vitamin A is a group of fat-soluble substances that are found in animal products. Therefore, it is present in high concentrations in fish fatty tissues. Vitamin D is present in fish oil. Vitamin dietary sources are eggs, fish, and dairy products. It is also synthetized in the skin through a non-enzymatic reaction activated by the sunlight. EFSA has confirmed that clear health benefits have been established for the dietary intake of vitamin A in contributing to:

  • normal cell differentiation;
  • a normal function of the immune system;
  • the maintenance of normal skin and mucous membranes;
  • the maintenance of normal vision;
  • normal iron metabolism.
While the nutrition claims for omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D are:
  • Vitamin D supports normal bones
  • EPA & DHA support normal heart function.
  • DHA supports the maintenance of normal vision
  • DHA supports normal brain function.

Product application

High quality fish oil rich in vitamins A and D is commercialized in dietary supplements, in fortified food products (margarine, dairy) and feed supplements.

Raw materials

Main sources due its content and quality are cod and shark liver, low fat species that accumulate fat in the liver. By-products from farmed salmonids (salmon, trout) can be also used to produce fish oil of a quality that is well suited for human consumption. In Norway, the species that produce the greatest concentrations of A and D are Gadus virens and Gadus pollachius. Their oils contain as much as to 5000 IU vitamin A and 500 IU vitamin D per gram.


Process Yield

Technology maturity

Value of Product

Potential Market

Production cost

Competing Companies

Simplified process Scheme

Citation :

Factsheet Vitamins, Author(s) : Bruno Iñarra, Carlos Bald, Marta Cebrian

Bruno Iñarra, Carlos Bald, Marta Cebrian (2017). DiscardLess WP6.2 Evaluation of the different valorisation alternatives prioritized from the technical, market, regulatory and socio-economic perspective.